Saturday 24 August 2013

Day 12: Road camp to Alexander Bay to Orange river.

I woke up to a clear day with no wind. I couldn’t believe it after that crap day yesterday. I was sure it would continue. Based on what, I don’t know. Either way, I smashed it to Alexander Bay with even the uphills near the town being quite easy.
Side of the road was better.
I've always wanted to stand on a rusty overturned car.
Heading down towards Alexander Bay.
I arrived and was stoked having completed the first section of my trip!! I was at the border of South Africa and Namibia at the mouth of the Orange River! All that nonsense from yesterday was wiped away.
First section done!! Stoked!!
 I rolled into Alexander bay after having to check through security as this was another diamond mining town, meaning virtually no residents with nothing much happening. I went to the only shopping store riding past the police station which is where I had hoped to camp the night before, but good old Mother Nature had other plans as you now know. I did my shop and decided to have lunch there. I think I had a toasted sarmie with a milkshake. Definitely had a milkshake as my little, ‘Well done Jones. First section complete,’ treat. Then I headed back to the security gate where I hung around a little as I was letting my phone charge.

Shop shop.
While my phone recharges.
Now my initial plan was to cross over into Namibia at Alexander Bay and ride all along the road that follows the Orange river till I came to Vioolsdrif and back into South Africa. This I was told was not possible a few days before as one needs a special permit as this is still diamond territory controlled by whoever. Truth be told I somehow already knew something about it, as it is mentioned in the map book I was using. Still, I didn’t research it or anything before I left. I guess I was just hoping I could get through somehow. Charm them with my bearded good looks? Jedi mind trick? Haha. Such naive optimism. ‘Much to learn, you have, young padawan’. Shut up Yoda. But I was told by the Brazilians a few days earlier that I could just cross over into Namibia at Sendelingsdrif which was a pont crossing also. I was happy to hear that so that is what I decided to do. So I left Alexander Bay and rode inland along the river for a little bit on a road that soon became a gravel one. There were a handful of camp sites available but I kept riding past them.

And tar became gravel once again.
And stayed like that.
Bit of the local.
Grootderm. Love it. There are plenty more puns I could write for this one, but im sure you could figure some of them out yourself.
So many options to choose from.
I was on the lookout for something better. Maybe I was just cheap? I passed what I didn’t know to be the last campsite along the river and went inland slightly up some hills. I came across some kind of trailer thing which almost tempted me to camp inside but it was quite dusty inside and it had the remains of some persons dried crap inside too. Nope, not gonna stay here I thought. So on I rode up a little hill with my pride still intact when I decided to pull left heading down off road towards a little clearing that overlooked the Orange river.
Pretty tempting hey. Don't be fooled by its charming exterior.
This was the spot I was meant to be at. My persistence and cheapness had paid off I thought. Haha. It really was an awesome little spot! And I had it all to myself. It was wedged between two hill tops overlooking the Orange River with Namibia just across it.

Persistence and Cheapness. The sword and shield of the mighty adventurer.
I quickly set up camp then went for a skinny dip.Why the hell not? This place was mine. Plus I'm damn skinny and I needed to wash. The water was so fresh and clean. Once I was dry I just retired to my tent and lay back as I watched the sky change colour from the setting sun. This was it! I was actually riding around the country and here I was chilling in an awesome little spot overlooking the Orange River into Namibia. It was sweet. Later I realised that the set back of the wind the day before was actually a blessing in disguise. Because, had I ridden all the way to Alexander Bay in one day as planned, I would have stayed in that boring little town and then ridden past this gem of a spot. So thank you wind for pissing me off that day and making me choose to camp where I did.
Loving  the view of Namibia across the river.
Looks cramped but totally worth it.
That will do sun.
That will do.

Distance: 80kms

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