Wednesday 28 August 2013

Day 15: Orange River camp to Orange River camp

Before heading off I decided to use some water purification tables with some of the water I took from the Orange River. It looked clean enough but I was just being cautious. I got some drinking water once I left from this one farmer who said it’s the same water from the river. Nice. Safety confirmed again. Had to do a little detour away from the river through a hilly section but the downhill was awesome. Then I had to pay my park entrance or exit fee as I exited the Ai-Ais/Richterdveld Transfrontier Park. Was R50.
Thats agriculture happening right there people.
Into the hills I go. Hugged the left hand side.
I had decided to camp once more along the Orange river before I would head off for Vioolsdrif the next day so I just took it slow. I was told about a lekker place to camp by the park security guy and that is what I kept in mind while I rode and eventually rode past it. Had a chat with a guy from Holland who was adventuring with his 4x4 and he told me what he had seen up ahead. So I carried on a little more and realized that the road was now veering away from the Orange River. So I turned back and cycled for about 4kms and pitched camp next to the river again. This section had so much soft grass it was amazing. I had another awesome swim to clean the sweat and dust off me before enjoying the scenery as the sun went down.
No caption needed.
One of the best views from my tent so far.
Gourmet cooking. Rice ala lentils.
That'll do Giant. That'll do.
Distance: 45kms

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