Friday 30 August 2013

Day 36: Road camp to farm house

It was a new dawn and a new day and I woke up exactly where I had fallen asleep the night before. I was glad to see my tyre was fine and off I went. I came across Brian again shortly thereafter and said hello. Turns out it was him who had passed by me in the night. Aha, it all made sense! Calling me his friend. The calm yet friendly demure in his voice. The fact that I wasn’t attacked and sold into slavery on the planet Apokalips. But one question still eluded me. Why had he walked past me last night when he had been going in the opposite direction when we passed each other yesterday? I had thought that he would have stayed put for some reason once he reached his destination. I had to have my answer, but I knew it would take great cunning to get it out of him without him knowing he was giving it to me. So I just asked him. He told me and I can’t quite remember now to be honest. I laughed at the whole thing and wished him well as I set off once again.
Put on glasses first next time, BEFORE taking pictures.
Saying hello and goodbye again to Brian.
The more things change the more they stay the same.
I realized after an hour or 15kms since I left that morning that I wasn’t wearing my glasses. Shit, not again! I had left them in my tent much like the morning I left Strandfontein. Dope. But then I recalled I had shaken my tent out this morning to clean out the dust and grass and maybe I had thrown them out like that. Noooooooooooo!!!!!!! I had to know. So I quickly unfolded the tent as fast as my mortal body would allow. Am I really this cursed I thought? I was. My glasses were gone. I doubled checked my pockets and anywhere else I may have placed them but they were nowhere to be found. My poor glasses. All alone out in the wild, in the hot sun lying amongst dried stone and tree. There was only one thing to do. Turn back and find my glasses, for I did not want to do this trip with only 97% clear vision. Plus it was only 15kms away so it wouldnt take too long.

So I turned around and already a plan was forming in my brain. I would stop at a farmers house to ask if I could leave my stuff there, then cycle to where I started this morning, find my specs then just return to pick my stuff up. Solid plan. Little did I know that the plan, had plans of its own. Sooner than I remembered I came to the farm I was thinking of but instead of me going up to ask, I was met by a man called Mundy, and he sounded Kiwi to me. He had seen me passing by and was interested to find out what was going on. I told him. He said not to worry and that I should stay put here for a little bit till his brother returns, then they would give me a lift as they were going in that direction anyways. Sweet! So I unloaded my things and met his brother’s wife also, Margaret. And their 2 cool dogs.  Then his brother, Carel arrived, filled up some diesel and off we went. We were quickly at the scene of the accident and I found my specs after a minute or two. There was only one place to put them, on my face. Then we head back a little bit before they stopped to check on some cows they were raising. Then we headed back a little more, before they told me they have to go off this road but will be back shortly at the house and that I could stay for lunch if I wanted. I said cheers and rode back the last 4kms or so to their place.

Farm where I stayed after shortest ride so far. Maybe I should leave my glasses behind all the time.
My day felt a little disrupted and there was no way I would be able to reach Tsidilamolomo if I carried on now. So I asked politely if I could just stay. Margaret said ok. I was then showed to my room which was had a super comfy bed. The brothers then came back and we had a lekker lunch. The brothers farmed a bit of livestock and some vegetable too. Mundy had immigrated to New Zealand a few years ago from Joburg and came through regularly to see how things were running and to do his share related to the farming they did. After lunch I lay down for a bit happy to be chilling on a soft bed on this Sunday afternoon. They also excused themselves for their Sunday afternoon nap. I then got up a little later to walk around and take some pictures. I was really stoked to have ended up here. All thanks to my little mishap with my glasses this morning.
You gotta be tough as this lot to survive out here.
Friendly looking pets.
Not so looking friendly pets. Must be pals with the Cat in Van Zylsrus.
Looks super refreshing the ol water damn.
Where water comes from.
Hey hey! No pictures allowed.
A little while later, a neighboring couple came over to visit. I met them both before the wife went to speak with the other wife, which left the 4 of us men to sit and talk. I didn’t say a damn thing for almost the entire time. But that was alright because I could have listened to this other guy talk all day. Man, the stories he told and the way he told them. Flippen hell they were kak funny!! I wish I had them recorded somehow. Eventually him and his wife left and we then had supper before I watched a bit of tv before turning it. Was stoked at how this day turned out considering how it started.

Distance 15kms plus another 4kms for the return trip.

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