Wednesday 28 August 2013

Day 22-23: Kakamas to Augrabies Falls and back again.

I was off to Augrabies Falls today which I was still gonna ride my bike to. Riana's husband offered to let me ride one of the older bakkies, which as tempting as it was, I politely declined. I felt that I didn’t want to be responsible for another mans car if something bad where to happen. So I just got on my bike and went.

It felt strange riding without all that weight, which averaged about 30kgs as I found out in Saldahna. Plus also quite liberating. I pushed hard with past Alheit, then Marchand, then Augrabies before taking the turnoff to head to the National Park. I thought it would be quite easy riding the odd 35kms to the park but I felt quite tired by the time I got there. First thing I did was smash some delicious lunch in my piehole. Fish and chips with a salad and en energy drink. I felt born again afterwards. It was now time to see the falls.
Straight into my pie catcher!
The Augrabies Falls are quite spectacular especially when flooded as the photos on site showed. They are formed by the Orange River having carved itself over the aeons of time through the solid rock in the area. From the pictures I saw on display, when flooded, it’s pretty much a water beast just smashing over and over the rock surface. So much so during one year that it destroyed much of the viewing walkway which had to be restored afterwards. Man I wish I could have seen it.
The place was also populated with many lizards, birds and dassies. There were loads of them. All spread out over the rocks like fat little sausages just trying to keep cool in the shade. I swear some looked so fat and restful, they wouldn’t have cared if you just reached over and picked them up. If you could. Fatasses.
We like sunshine, we like sunshine. Sunshine makes us happy!!!
We deserve better focus Jones. Yeah, next time you fat bellied cold blooded egotist.
Fat, brown and lazy. Right there people.
I'd insult you but I see you already have a beard. (Well played little man. Well played.)
Just look at em fat buggers.
Can't move.
Having reached my fill of Augrabies Falls I headed back to Kakamas. I assumed it would take longer ro ride back but it was a slightly quicker trip back. Probably because of the general downhill of the road.
Another wicked tree owning it in the heat.
Some agri on the way home.
More agri.
I just took it easy for the rest of the day and also found out that my old school friend Warren was going to be in the area. Keimos to be exact.

Distance 75kms (rest day hey)

Day 23: Kakamas

Spent the day just taking it easy in Kakamas with no cycle site seeing like yesterday. This was sit on my bum and watch some TV day. Did a bit of shopping food wise as well as getting myself a new long sleeved shirt to ride in to protect my arms from the sun and it was dirt cheap too. Then I had a nice late lunch with Riana and her daughter at the one coffee house before calling it a day.

Distance 0kms

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