Wednesday 28 August 2013

Day 20: Aggeneys to Pofadder to camp beside road.

Pieter had to leave early for work so I got up and said bye and thanks for everything. He was also kind enough to give me R200 to help me out with any accommodation I may need later. I was touched and thanked him for his kind gesture. I was also still vrek tired so he let me get back to sleep for a few hours leaving me a key to lock up once I was gone. 2 hours later I got going. I locked up and threw the keys through the bathroom window as he had a spare set. 8kms later I was back on the N14.
Saying cheers to Pieter before I fell right back to sleep.
My first target for the day was the legendarily named town of Pofadder which was 60kms away. Much like the previous day it was long stretches of open road and nothing else. I also noticed these huge nesting colonies on some of the phone poles, which I had never really seen before. I also came across what I like to think of as a small miracle, a working tap on the side of the road. I stopped and washed my face and head thoroughly after sweating like pig that had been on a bike the whole day. Plus I filled up some water bottles. I swear if I had a portable shower attachment I would have showered right then and there. 

Finally I got to Pofadder. I remembered the Pofadder bros I had met a few days ago and thought why didn’t I ask them if they could help me out with accommodation when I passed through. But it wasn’t needed. I was quite tired and needed something more than just water to get me going as I still felt like riding for another 2 hours so I bought a Redbull and a chocolate for my sugar energy fix. While resting outside the garage I had a little chat with a guy who said he was an ex gang leader. Based on the fact that he had no shirt which showed all his tattoos, I didn’t doubt him. Can’t remember a thing we talked about to be honest but he was interesting enough to be remembered. He then offered me R20 to buy myself something but I politely declined as I thought he needed it more than I did. Plus I told him that I had just bought myself something to eat so it wasn’t necessary but again thanked him immensely. I was truly touched by this act of generosity coming from someone who I judged purely on appearances as having less than I did. In one day I had been offered cash by two people. I said cheers to him as he left for some kind of work by getting on the back of a bakkie.
Outside the restroom in Pofadder. Thanks for the support so far people.
Anyone else not concerned about this? I mean, who knows what those feathered things are plotting in there?
The redbull did its job. I smashed the last 25kms quite easily. I also saw a huge nesting colony in the one tree which allowed me a closer look. These things were huge! I wish I knew how many birds stayed in them. Then the energy surge seized just like that and I was now in ‘lets find a place to sleep’ mode. I was literally in the middle of nowhere with the next possible town being about 28kms away. Not a f@ck was I thinking about riding that. So after a slow ride for a few minutes hoping to find a decent spot I found one. It was an open space next to the road that was being used as a temporary storage area for gravel stones which I think would be mixed in with tar for road works. I’m sure there is a better way to describe it but I can’t think of it now. Basically far enough off the side of the road to be out of harms way, I called it, for my 20th day.

Distance 90kms

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